“Is Your Heart Shining?” – Love Live! Sunshine!! Weiss Schwarz Blog Series

Familiar faces make a return in Love Live! Sunshine!! Are You Ready!?


The release of Love Live! Sunshine!! Trial Deck has peaked my interest in Weiss Schwarz yet again! The honorary successor of the popular Love Live! original series is just around the corner as its booster releases in late November of 2016.

As I will be going in deep like I did with the original 9, no pun intended… This will spark a new series where I will be analyzing, testing and admiring new artwork in a host of new deck techs.

Deck Tech List:

1. Meta Love Live! Sunshine!!: https://megaclefex.wordpress.com/2016/11/03/yrb-meta-love-live-sunshine-deck-tech/?preview_id=5916&preview_nonce=e7ef1b2b6d

2. Love Live! Sunshine!! Y/? 1st Years: December 24th, 2016
3. Love Live! Sunshine!! R/? 2nd Years: December 25th, 2016
4. Love Live! Sunshine!! B/? 3rd Years: December 26th, 2016

5. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Ruby: TBA 2017
6. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Yoshiko: TBA 2017
7. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Hanamaru: TBA 2017
8. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono You: TBA 2017
9. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Riko: TBA 2017
10. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Chika: TBA 2017
11. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Kanan: TBA 2017
12. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Dia: TBA 2017
13. Love Live! Sunshine!! Mono Mari: TBA 2017

So Stay Tuned! ^_^